Riverstown Folk Park
Recreated village street, shop fronts, period exterior and interior farmhouses, prop rentals, old machinery

Hazelwood House and Factory
Hazelwood House is an 18th Century Palladian House situated in 70 acres on the shores of Lough Gill. It has many features such as private roads, old hardwood trees, lakeside access, forest walks as well as the house, stables and courtyard in various stages of restoration. The industrial Factory space has numerous enormous warehouses in…

St Angela’s College
Training hospital ward, canteen, dormitory accommodation, lecture halls all available in a stunning scenic location within 10 minutes drive of Sligo town.

Rosses Point
Seaside village with traditional harbour, promenade and extensive beach.

Sligo Town
Gateway town to the north west. Traditional streets overlooked by the magnificent backdrop of Ben Bulben mountain.